Lower Business Costs with STREAMdiff™ Document Testing
High Speed Print Stream Comparison Software Tool for Your Consumer Documents
Paloma Print Products will lead you toward a more efficient document comparison process with STREAMdiff™ software from CDP Communications. Businesses employing STREAMdiff™ realize a huge jump in document testing productivity. This powerful software compares two print files in a fraction of the time it takes when using manual testing methods without the errors, headaches, eye strain, and low morale which result from manual document testing.

The STREAMdiff™ interface clearly displays both documents and identifies possible errors.
STREAMdiff™ Features
- Side by side, color coded markings clearly denote changes in documents
- Simple Graphic User Interface
- Page Description Languages Supported:
- Postscript
- Metacode
- ASCII text
- Compares both “like to like” files (e.g., AFP to AFP), or “like to unlike” files (e.g., AFP to PDF)
- Compares documents created by different Customer Communication Management (CCM) applications
- Works in both interactive and batch modes
- When used in conjunction with Switch, the need to manually program DOS command line parameters is eliminated at the beginning of batch comparison processes
- Review results in the PDF-based Detailed Difference Report
- Audit trail of document QA/testing process
STREAMdiff™ System Requirements
Recommended System: Intel Quad Core processor, 8 GB RAM, running Windows 10, Windows 2019, Windows Server 2012, 2016, or 2019, or Linux (for batch comparison only)